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[ajax] [jQuery] Easy Widgets jQuery plugin
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[jQuery] Easy Widgets jQuery plugin

jQuery용 플러그인입니다.
이 스크립트를 이용하면 간단하게 Widgets 폼을 만드실 수 있습니다.

  1. Very basic example with no style addition
  2. Very basic example but with some style addition
  3. Movable, Collapsable, Editable, Removable links
  4. Movable, Collapsable,... and Callbacks in actions
  5. How to use images to the widget menu header links
  6. How to internationalize alll used plugin strings
  7. Like some other example in the list with other style
  8. Variable number (4) of columns as widgets place holders
  9. Variable number (2) of columns as widgets place holders
  10. Show how to use the widget argument to identify widgets
  11. Show how to use the ui argument to identify widgets
  12. Show how to use with the addition of "cookies feature"
  13. Show how to use the widget editbox class for "save changes"
  14. Another example of apply some style to the widget HTML
  15. Show the use of another Widget container instead "div"
  16. The "onChangePositions" and "onRefreshPositions" callbacks
  17. Show the "EnableWidgets" and "DisableWidgets" methods
  18. Show the "EnableWidgets" and "DisableWidgets" callbacks
  19. Show how to apply effects in certain circustamces (fade)
  20. Show how to apply effects in certain circustamces (slide)
  21. Show the methods ShowEasyWidget() and HideEasyWidget()
  22. ShowEasyWidget() and HideEasyWidget() related callbacks
  23. How to use AddEasyWidget() method to add widgets on demand
  24. Around the use of AddEasyWidget() method and related callbacks
  25. Show all public methods, callbacks and other features in action

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