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[ajax] Ajax (or Flash) Startpages (or Homepages)
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Ajax (or Flash) Startpages (or Homepages)

Here are some Ajax (or Flash) Startpages (or Homepages) or Single Page Applications that have drag and drop.

The social bookmarks list was getting too long so I moved them here and also because they are generally not 'social' but 'personal'.
I tried to put them in a vague chronological order of when Ajax was added.

With modules and drag and drop:
  • Netvibes_icon.pngNetvibes: Pastel blue on light gray. (Blog) Does not work in Safari.
  • Goowy_icon.pnggoowy (Flash): Looks a bit like the Mac OS X theme with it's dock, see the screenshots. (blog) All Flash-based work in Safari.
  • Start_icon.pngStart.com : Pastel blue on white. Is now being used as "an incubation project", mostly to test ideas for live.com. (via Ajax homepages market review by Richard MacManus) (blog) Does not work in Safari.
  • Windowslive_icon.pngWindows Live by Microsoft. You can feel it's Microsoft, and it's blue. See Windows Live 8 Years Ago by Pinoy Tech Blog (Blog) Does not work in Safari.
  • Zoozio_icon.pngZoozio : Sober square and dark gray style. Drag and drop does not work in Safari.
  • Favoor_icon.pngFavoor : Very 'bright' page, has 5 pastel color settings. There's an old review by Ajaxian, dated December, when Favoor had this [[Image:Favoor-old icon.png]icon. Works in Safari
  • Eskobo_icon.pngeskobo.com: Has 8 pastel themes. Does not work in Safari.
  • Google_icon.pngGoogle Personalized: What can I say? Google style. But you can customize it. Works in Safari.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngPageflakes]: Tabbed interface, a bit darker than pastel. Does not work in Safari.
  • Gritwire_icon.pnggritwire(flash): All blue, has nothing to do with the icon. Reviewed by Library Stuff. (blog)
  • Protopage_icon.pngProtopage: Original design with bright colors where the blocks can overlap each other. The old icon used to be like this: Protopage-old_icon.png(Blog) says it wont work in Safari, but you can get the feeling.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngBACKBASE: Sober and clean interface. Does not work in Safari.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngInbox.com: Multi service, 2GB Webmail(Access Multiple POP3 Accounts), Search, Storage, Calendar, Notes and more, has colorful blocks of 6 different colors. Seems to work in Safari.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngItsAStart: An other pastel style. Seems to work in Safari.
  • Cfempire_icon.pngHomePortals: No drag and drop. Social and very customizable, each module can have it's own CSS style. Works in Safari.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngFold: Sober dark interface with blocks overlapping, see the screenshot. Possibility to display contents of an other websites with an Iframe tag. (Blog) Does not work in Safari, and is said only to work in Firefox / Mozilla based browsers.
  • Linkedfeed_icon.pngLinkedFeed: Blue and orange theme with round corners. Reviewed by Mashable (blog) Does not work in Safari.
  • Magnoto_icon.pngMagnoto: Represented as stickies on a fridge( think 'magnet'), if you open a image it's miniaturized in the favicon! Blocks can be overlapped. There's also a German version: Magnoto.de. Works in Safari.
  • Yahoo_icon.pngMy Yahoo!: Now has drag and drop! As before, it has lots of themes! Works in Safari.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngWrickr (Seems to be a future startpage, see TechCrunch)
  • Zimbio_icon.pngZimbio: by invitation.

Other laguages:
  • Ichigo_icon.pngIchigo.se: Swedish, Non-profit. No drag and drop. Ichigo means strawberry in Japanese but I don't think it's got anything to do with it: the interface is black and white. (blog)
  • Bookmark_icon.pngMyHommy. Israeli. Pastel! Soft blue, light grey stripes with round corners. Does not work in Safari. (via Listible!)
  • Startowy_icon.pngstartowy. Polish with colorfull blocks. Works in Safari. (via Listible!)
  • Internetstart_icon.pngInternetStart: Serious black, blue and grey, no drag and drop. Reminds me of Microsoft.

Other web applications I know have drag and drop:
  • 24eyes_icon.png24eyes: A RSS dashboard with drag and drop. Does not work in Safari.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngBox.net: File Sharing with drag and drop.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngCarbonmade: New online portofolio service with a nice image drag and drop feature.(note Yahoo photos also has drag and drop).
  • Watchthisnext_icon.pngWatchThisNext.com: Drag and Drop DVD Recommendations.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngiRows: Online spreadsheet with drag and drop, inpage...
  • Laszlo_icon.pngLazlo mail: web mail service and they also have demos of Custom Rich Internet Applications.
  • Monket_icon.pngMonket Calendar (Beta 0.9): with drag and drop.
  • Oddpost_icon.pngOddpost: E-mail with a RSS aggregator. Desktop-style interface with drag & drop, address auto-completion, right-click menus & shortcut keys.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngOnline Dictionary: Has a RSS startpage with tabs and drag and drop.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngt3h blox0r: RSS aggregator that looks like a desktop app. Demo available.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngSpongecell: Online calendar with drag and drop.
  • Webnote_icon.pngWebnote: Online notes with drag and drop. Demo available.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngWinLIKE: Window-Manager for web browsers. Has all the links the site useing it.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngWelcome to YouOS.: web operating system that lets you run diverse applications within a web browser. Small applications like sticky notes or clocks. Large applications like word processing, mp3 players, and instant messaging. Even better, it's very easy to tweak an existing application or write your own.

Other Ajaxy web apps:
  • Bookmark_icon.pngColib: Startpage that lets you list anything, Your books, music & videos tagged, shared and sorted.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngLinkedFeed: RSS startpage
  • Maxigate_icon.pngMaxiGate: Bookmarks that opens the link in-page, you can open your web mail inside. See here
  • Bookmark_icon.pngMemeFlow: A bookmarks startpage with a soft grey(pastel) theme. Reviewed by Solution Watch. (blog)
  • Bookmark_icon.pngPobb: Not with drag and drop but with round corners! Does that count? Personal RSS aggregator and bookmarks. Has still alot to come.
  • Bookmark_icon.pngGregarius: Not with drag and drop but with categories and tags, very nice. Server web-based RSS/RDF/ATOM feed aggregator. Demo available.
  • Siteshuffle_icon.pngSiteShuffle: Personal bookmark startage using Flash to 'Faward' and 'Rewind' a toolbar of bookmarks.
  • Etamp_icon.pngEtamp.net: Discovered thanks to a comment (see below.) Not with drag and drop but an Ajax Feed startpage, aggregator and discovery service that can also let you view only images, quite nice for browsing sites like Gizmodo and Engadget, worth checking out. (NB: The icon is not the favicon, it's the logo, looked nice so.)

You may also want to see:

¶ Original Page : Editing Ajax (or Flash) Startpages (or Homepages)


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