우분투 nfs 마운트 chown: changing ownership of `xyz': Invalid argument
#touch /srv/cloud/xyz
#chown oneadmin:oneadmin /srv/cloud/xyz
chown: changing ownership of `xyz': Invalid argument
Cannot chown target file "/nfs////" 부적절한 인수 (22)
1. 이렇게해도 안됨.
/mnt/storage-pools *(rw,insecure,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)
2. 이렇게하면됨 (마운트시 -o vers=3 옵션넣기)
When using nfs-shares and trying a chown you can get the following error:
chown: changing ownership of myfile.ext : Invalid argument
Note that this error is different to "Operation not permitted" that will occure if you didnt specify the no_root_squash - option in /etc/exports on the nfs-server.
This error is different and seems to occure at least in ubuntu from 10.10 upwards. It seems that its a flaw in nfsv4 cause if you mount the same share as nfsv3 you will not have this problem. And this is the solution. use nfs3 instead of nfs4.
mount -t nfs -o vers=3 server:/share /mnt
2. 이렇게하면됨 (마운트시 -o vers=3 옵션넣기)
When using nfs-shares and trying a chown you can get the following error:
chown: changing ownership of myfile.ext : Invalid argument
Note that this error is different to "Operation not permitted" that will occure if you didnt specify the no_root_squash - option in /etc/exports on the nfs-server.
This error is different and seems to occure at least in ubuntu from 10.10 upwards. It seems that its a flaw in nfsv4 cause if you mount the same share as nfsv3 you will not have this problem. And this is the solution. use nfs3 instead of nfs4.
mount -t nfs -o vers=3 server:/share /mnt
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